Monday, July 29, 2019

Ecocha Coconut Hookah Charcoal - 100% Organic Coco Coal - 108

Ecocha Coconut Hookah Charcoal - 100% Organic Coco Coal - 108 Pieces

Ecocha Coconut Hookah Charcoal - 100% Organic Coco Coal - 108 Pieces

I've seen a lot of reviews comparing the two brands with mixed results. Here are the results of my own experiment.
The CocaNara (left) vs Ecocha (right).
I've used both brands before, but I wanted to share a real side-by-side comparison.
In my experience, Naras consistently produce a LOT of very fine white ash. When I say a lot of ash, I mean it looks like volcano fallout in my living room. It's very powdery- the slightest breeze (AC kicking on, dog wagging his tail, ghost floating by, etc) scatters it across Kingdom Come. They burn quickly, with varying degrees in temperature, making heat management a challenge. This also causes you to run out much faster, because you need to replace a coal halfway through a single bowl of shisha.
Ecocha coals are much more consistent in heat, and produce far less ash. The ash Ecocha leaves is also more dense, and doesn't leave my table/guests/soul covered in dust. They burn much more slowly. Heat management is far more...well, manageable, and they don't completely fry the shisha like Naras do. This also causes the box of coals to last longer since you're not constantly replacing ashed out coals.
In short, Ecocha coals will let you actually enjoy your hookah session. CocoNara coals make smoking a chore.

If you know hookah, then you know the big brand of all-natural coconut coals (if you don't, then just seach coconut coals, and they'll be the top result). Those competitor coals were our go-to for many years: they burned long, stayed at moderate temperatures, and didn't have any overwhelming chemical smells.

It is great to know that there's a competitor on the market now, and especially one as high quality as these. Ecocha doesn't burn quite as long as the big name coals, but they light more easily (requiring only about 10 minutes on a coil, rather than 15) and put off a much more consistent, controlled amount of heat that won't turn your tobacco into a rough, astringent, bitter brick in a matter of minutes.

The only thing to look out for is, these coals have a habit of flaking when you are lighting them. Don't disturb them on the coil, except to turn them over once at the 5 minute mark, or you run the risk of the lit coal flaking off from the cube, and requiring you to start the process over again. It takes a little bit of practice, but it's worth the effort for a smoother and more simple smoking experience.

Very skeptical when i first bought them, why? Well because they were really cheap, and I've always used the other famous coconut coals.. but I am so happy I found these. Not only do they last a really long time, but there truly is no smell when cooking them. Every other coconut or otherwise brand states a no odor coal, but when you are cooking them it smells bad, but these, nothing. You can stand above them and not smell a thing. Not a huge difference when you're actually smoking, but it sure makes me feel a lot better about what i am inhaling. Will be buying these from now out

I've tried countless coal brands over the last 5 years and these are, by far, my favorite. They leave no residual taste in your shisha, they don't smell when they're lighting, and they are an incredible bargain. I've noticed they take quite a bit longer than coconaras to light, !$5 they're worth the wait. They have a slow and steady burn and don't ash too quickly. You can get away with 4-5 for a large bowl and only 2 for a smaller one. At this price, id highly recommend checking them out for yourself!

I love using these because they burn VERY hot (hotter than charcoal). That might be an issue for some though if you are not careful. We have burnt holes in the deck and through a patio chair cushion... and they burn whatever they touch QUICKLY! They burn much longer than charcoal coals. They take a while to start up, but I recommend turning on whatever burner you use and placing these on it FIRST and then setting up your hookah. But these are great and more eco-friendly (I think?) and they can last you your whole bowl!

Get it Now

Feature Product

  • Ecocha Flat Coconut charcoal comes in a 108pc box.
  • These are Non-Quick Light shisha coals for hookah pipes that require a burner to light.
  • Ecocha supplies your hookahs with 40-50 minutes of burn time per coal.
  • These all-natural accessories and parts are Tasteless, Odorless, & Chemical-free.
  • Ecocha manufactures their product in Indonesia.


Ecocha is one of the many brands of non-quick light coconut charcoal on the market making supplies for your hookahs. Manufactured in Indonesia, Ecocha Coconut Charcoals in the 108pc Flat version are compressed into individual rectangles so they do not leave a lot of ash and to prevent the charcoal from rolling off the top of your hookah Bowl. Ecocha Shisha Coals are all-natural and do not contain any quick light chemicals and therefore require an electric burner or open flame to light properly. Being primarily used by either avid smokers of hookah pipes or Hookah Lounges, these accessories and parts are specifically designed for Hookah smoking as they are odorless, tasteless, and chemical-free. You can expect approximately 40-50 minutes of burn time per coal since these burn three times longer than most other Charcoals on the market.

I love these coals! They aren't exactly uniformed so they might a bit difficult to work with a Lotus, but they are great coals nonetheless. They burn pretty hot and it only took me about 8 minutes to light. One round of coals lasted me about 45 minutes. When you are lighting them, they barely give off any odor. I was using quick lights for a week so I could test the tasteless factor, and the coals work as advertised; they don't change the taste.

I would greatly recommend people these coals especially for the price being asked for. I order these on Saturday at 10pm and they arrive on Monday at 7pm (delivery times are dependent on your location and the USPS route btw).


Only regularly used Coco Naras since starting hookah within the past year, but I've noticed their quality is just so random. Sometimes the coals would be cut so small, I'd need 3 to get a good burn, and they never seem to last any more.

Tried both, these and Coco Naras, and these are obviously larger and just burn better. I don't notice any flavor difference, but being so cheap and the size Coco Nara USED to be (maybe even bigger); I'm sold.

Will be using these from now on.

You know when you’ve had the best and it’s hard to go back to mediocre? That’s how I felt smoking with these. These coal are such good quality I can’t snoke at other places unless I bring these along. Very smooth and blow clouds thicker than...clouds. Only bad thing is that they burn quickly. Have to change coal every 30 minutes (which isn’t even bad)

Coconut charcoal is the way to go! It has such a clean burn and doesn’t smell like I am ingesting carcinogens. The burn time is longer than quick start coals.

Good stuff. It takes a few minute to light so I start them while I'm preparing the hookah so they're done by the time I'm finished. They stay hot for hours and don't have a weird chemical taste and leave minimal ash while they're lighting. They're packed into a tight box so I keep them in an old coffee can after opening. Good price too.

Get it Now


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